$29/month for 6 months Upgrade Your Spray Booth at 5.99% APR — Limited-Time Offer!
Ameri-Cure has joined forces with Greentech Dryers in offering the fastest curing system in the industry. Reduce drying times by as much as 70% and reduce energy costs by as much as 80%. Get an amazing Return On Investment while doing more cars per day. Call today for special booth packages with these fantastic Robotic Curing Systems or how we can retrofit a system for your booth.
Some Manufacturers won't tell you where their booths are made, or if they are using components made in China or other foreign countries. Some say 'Assembled in the USA' or 'Shipped from the USA' or some other phrase to blur where they really are from. We are an American company with a 46 year history of manufacturing paint booths that is proud that we manufacture all of our booths right here in our American factory with American workers.